Training courses for new volunteers

The courses are held in the universities of Bar Ilan, Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion, Haifa , Jerusalem, Kineret College of Emek Hayarden.

Course duration: about 16 sessions, which include a professional tour of retirement homes and entities provide services to the elderly in the community. The cost charged to participants is symbolic, NIS 70.

Information about the courses are advertised in the national and local newspapers.

Topics covered by the courses

  • Social security - benefits and services provided by the National Insurance.
  • Various fields of knowledge related to old age.
  • Practical fields of knowledge that pertain to working directly with the elderly.

Courses starting dates:


Month in which the course begins

Tel Aviv University


Bar Ilan University


University of Jerusalem


Haifa University


Ben Gurion University of the Negev


Emek Hayarden University
